ARC’s Strategic Partners are committed to fostering collaborative regional approaches that improve quality of life in metro 亚特兰大. 的ir support elevates ARC leadership programs, research 和 events throughout the year. 了解更多.
亚特兰大 ——2023年10月27日
约1,500 metro 亚特兰大 leaders gathered today to take stock of metro 亚特兰大 和 explore key regional challenges at the h888皇冠电玩’s 2023 区域状况 event.
在她的区域国情咨文中, ARC执行主任安娜·罗奇讨论了该机构的新愿景, “One Great Region” 和 urged the region’s leaders to work together to move the region 为ward.
“We can only make a difference if we all act, if we all take steps to foster change,” she said. “如果h888皇冠电玩手机端共同努力解决h888皇冠电玩手机端地区最大的挑战, h888皇冠电玩手机端地区所能取得的成就是无限的.”
罗奇还强调了几项新的区域倡议, 包括该机构新成立的气候变化 & 恢复项目, which aims to seek federal grants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in metro 亚特兰大, 支持向低碳经济转型, 并帮助该地区更能适应极端天气条件.
的 keynote address was delivered by 为mer New Orleans Mayor 兰德里, a senior advisor to President Biden who coordinates the implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
在他的演讲中, 题为“重建社区和建立共同基础”,” L和rieu discussed the trans为mative potential of the federal legislation 为 communities like metro 亚特兰大.
h888皇冠电玩手机端的2023 亚特兰大地铁发表民意调查 亚特兰大大都会面临的最大挑战是犯罪, 其次是经济, 运输, 以及人类服务. Still, more than 2 out of 3 respondents said they feel safe walking at night in their neighborhood.
今年的 地区优秀奖得主 展示大胆的想法和有远见的想法如何改变一个社区. 2023年的获奖者包括:
马丁先生,总统 & 切罗基经济发展办公室的首席执行官 took to the 下一个ATL是什么 stage to discuss the urgent need to invest in training 为 skilled trades 和 change the narrative that unfairly stigmatizes these important, 而且往往是高薪工作.
马丁强调了“Be Pro Be Proud”的倡议, which is being used in Cherokee to shine a positive light on the skilled trade professions.
“今天,我邀请 你 加入h888皇冠电玩手机端,支持这项运动,并成为解决方案的一部分. Each of us can change the negativity associated with skilled trades by working together,” she said.
Amol Naik talked about the urgent need to address the digital divide that is leaving many metro 亚特兰大 residents behind. Lack of access to the internet means lack of access to economic mobility he said.
作为解决方案, he encouraged the audience to call their member of Congress 和 urge them to keep funding the Af为dable Connectivity Program.
让h888皇冠电玩手机端一起努力 确保所有人都能使用互联网的力量。. “让h888皇冠电玩手机端 提高h888皇冠电玩手机端地区人民的生存机会. 让h888皇冠电玩手机端为每个人提供同样的机会e 这个伟大的国家为我和我的家人提供的一切.”
2023年 哈里·韦斯特远见领袖奖 was presented to longtime civic leader Joe Bankoff in recognition of more than 40 years of leadership, 奉献, 以及在亚特兰大地区留下不可磨灭印记的成就.
From being a champion 为 children through the National Court Appointed Special Advocates, 以富尔顿县艺术委员会主席的身份支持艺术, Joe Bankoff st和s apart 为 his ability to tackle civic 和 community challenges across a broad spectrum of issues.
Bankoff’s involvement in 亚特兰大’s arts community has been trans为mational. 他辞去了金律师事务所高级合伙人的职务 & 斯伯丁成为总统 & 2006年担任亚特兰大伍德拉夫艺术中心的首席执行官. 在那之前, he played a pivotal role in bringing the 亚特兰大 Symphony Orchestra to the Olympic Games, commissioning the iconic Olympic theme music that the ASO played at the opening ceremonies in 1996.
也许最重要的是, Joe has spent countless hours mentoring 和 guiding upcoming regional leaders. His knack 为 nurturing the potential in others will continue to shape our community 为 generations to come.
ARC presented the Unsung Hero award Georgia Department of 运输 road 和 highway construction workers. 这些才华横溢、勤奋工作的人每天都在那里, doing the critically important work that is needed so residents can safely get to work, 这家商店, 医生, 或者大型社区活动.
And they do it in all sorts of weather conditions, from extreme heat to bitter cold. 他们没有在家工作的选择.
ARC decided to honor Georgia DOT construction workers in recognition of two workers who tragically lost their lives in the line of duty this year.
肖恩Kornacki, 他是乔治亚州西北部第六区的公路维修工头, 谁在1月13日去世了. 迈克尔·伍德尔, 他是佐治亚州中西部第三区的高速公路维修工头, 谁死于6月16日.
的 award was accepted on behalf of all Georgia DOT road 和 highway construction workers by Sean 和 Michael’s colleagues, 泰勒·皮克和格兰特·沃尔德罗普.
联系人姓名: 保罗Donsky